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  • A metal roof is not a new concept in the roofing industry but they aren’t as prevalent yet as are shingle or other roof styles. A metal roof, while more expensive than an asphalt or shingle roof, has the benefit of longevity as compared to many other roofing styles. What are the benefits of a metal roof other than its useful life? Because most metal roofs are made from panels or sheets, it [...]

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    Whether you had a roof inspection and discovered you need to have your roof replaced, or if you know it’s outlived its useful life, the first question on your mind will likely be… how much will it cost? There are myriad factors including the size and its slope (aka pitch). City Roofing realizes that most homeowners will want to get more than one estimate but what can you do to make certain [...]

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    When you step back and look at your roof, you may think it looks the same as your neighbor’s roof and you may think that on the surface it’s simply a layer of shingles. It's actually much more complex than the average homeowner may realize. Roofing contractors explain that your roof is, in fact, a complex system of layers of materials that form a cohesive cover to protect your home from the [...]

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    A roof inspection should be part of a homeowner’s to-do list when it comes to home repairs, maintenance and general upkeep. A roof inspection, performed annually, can help you understand what the life expectancy of your roof is and if there are any repairs you should be undertaking. If you’re looking for a roof inspection make certain you are hiring a reliable, experienced and reputable [...]

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    Hail is one of the most damaging weather events that can befall your roof. Wind ranks a high second. If you live in an area of the country that is prone to hail and your shingles and roofing are paying the price, before you file a claim with your insurance company you will want to talk with a trusted roofing contractor about the damage. What you don’t want to do following a hail storm is [...]

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